The Adventures of John Berman--Sur de la Fronterra

The exploits of an American University student and his feeble attempts to communicate with the local population in their own native language.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Everyone came back!

Well, I woke up today and went outside. Besides the gloom and rain that was unusual was the fact that the streets and buses were filled with people and the traffic was backed up all the way down Tómas Moro. This week a ton of people came back from summer vacation and everything was hustle and bustle, although I did get a seat on the metro because Escuela Militar is the first stop. Although people tell me more people are going to show up as it gets later into the month, it seems hard to believe.

Today, the first year students showed up at Diego Portales so I got my first glimpse of Chilean students, Paola said more students should show up as the month went on, some people do not come to class until well later in the school year.

What was also nice was that all the other levels of school had opened. Since the country is like 98% catholic all the kids had the same blue catholic school uniform on.

This weekend I went to see The Aviator at the mall movie theater which was a really good movie. Also we went bowling too, at the only bowling alley in Santiago, only 2.500 pesos for an hour and shoes. I scored a 152 with 5 strikes and 2 spares so I was pretty happy.

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