The Adventures of John Berman--Sur de la Fronterra

The exploits of an American University student and his feeble attempts to communicate with the local population in their own native language.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

School Stuff

Well it´s Thursday and I´m just chilling out until Tom calls so we can go and study for our test tomorrow in literature. I started my history class yesterday, the professor was really animated so it seems like a really great class. It goes over Chilean history from 1940 to the present. My literature class ends tomorrow and my Development and Poverty Class will start on Monday I believe. I haven´t decided whether or not I wan´t to volunteer and help teach english at a Chilean School. I think it´ll depend on how hard my classes are at Diego Portales.

Yesterday night I went to a bar called Vicious for Catherine´s birthday. We met some Americans in another program that had just started and they came along too. We were going to go to a discoteque too but it got so late that the one nearby had closed. I ended up sharing a taxi with Julie, Tom, and Makiko. I was the last one dropped off. I noticed when I was giving directions to the cab driver that I had a really strong accent, not American accent, but some type of Spanish accent I think, which I hope is some type of Spanish one because it´s better then a gringo accent which sounds retarded. I think I can pull off a decent accent when I speak in short bursts rather then long periods of time just because I have to keep thinking about tense, syntax, and diction. After awhile it just wears you down. Hopefully as I go along I can develop a nice accent of some sort. Hopefully, a Columbian, Venezuelan, Chilean mix...

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