The Adventures of John Berman--Sur de la Fronterra

The exploits of an American University student and his feeble attempts to communicate with the local population in their own native language.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Off to Mendoza This Week

As it turns out you need your travel visa to leave the country. Apparantly my passport wasn´t good enough. Luckily, the bus attendent told me this before I got on the 6 hour bus ride to the Chilean-Argentinean border. So this weekend I´m definitely going, with all the necessary documentation coming with me.

Not too much going on this past week, just working onpapers since their due dates are approaching.

On an interesting note, I had Peruvian food last week at the Parque Arroyco Mall. Apparently, they have a really nice restaurant there. I´m not such a fan of the malls here because they´re more expensive then other places but some of the restaurants are good. I found Peruvian food really spicey which I liked because I like spicy food a lot. I had a seafood paella which is a rice dish with different sea foods, like scallops, clams, and other assorted stuff. It was mixed with a hot pepper sauce and other stuff that I can´t put a finger on. It was good regardless and I washed it down with a fresh glass of rasberry juice. They seem to juice everything here although the most popular, at least from all the bottles of Nectar (local brand), is peach juice. Peach juice is alright and I can tolerate in tiny quantities but I find it a little too thick.

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